Elle18 Color Pops Matte Review!

Hey Everyone

I am going to review these Elle18 lipsticks that launched a while ago today. Sorry I took so long to review them. I wanted to try them fully before coming up with a review on them. I am so so impressed by these lipsticks. They are so affordable and have so many shades that you can pick from. There are quite a lot of fall appropriate shades as well. I will show the colours Cherry Wine, Deep Pink and Choco Bite today. Read on to know what I think of these 🙂

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Price- 100/- INR each

Availability- On Amazon and in your local beauty stores

Elle 18 has always been an affordable Indian brand and I am glad they don’t keep raising prices with everything they launch. These are great for 100 rupees but I wish they had a complete ingredient list printed on them. The packaging is nice and sturdy. The cap closes tightly. Unlike the other Elle 18 lipsticks these dont have a creamy center.

img_0155_wmFrom left to right – Deep Pink, Cherry Wine, Choco Biteimg_0156_wm

From left to right – Deep Pink, Cherry Wine, Choco Bite

The colour Cherry Wine is a deep purple maroon shade, Choco Bite is a dark brown and Deep Pink is a nice bright pink. I used Deep Pink in my first Youtube video which I will link below. Please watch and subscribe to my channel is you haven’t already 🙂


Elle 18 Color Pops Matte in Cherry Wineimg_0161_wm

Elle 18 Color Pops Matte in Deep Pink img_0163_wm

Elle 18 Color Pops Matte in Choco Bite

These Color Pops Matte lipsticks are so pigmented. They glide on smoothly and don’t tug on the lips at all. The feel a little bit waxy but it’s not too much and doesn’t really bother me much. The fragrance is like a light vanilla. They don’t bleed out of the lip lines although it does get into them a teeny tiny bit. The finish is not completely matte. I would call it more like a satin finish as it does have a little bit of shine. I use about 2-3 coats to get a complete even coverage.

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From Left to Right – Cherry Wine, Deep Pink, Choco Bite

The lipstick is not transfer proof and it does get onto the cups and plates etc. It does not dry out my lips at all. I don’t need to use a lip balm underneath these as it does feel quite moisturizing. The staying power is amazing. It lasts for about 5-6 hours with some fading around the center of the lips. After that it starts looking patchy if not reapplied.


Honestly, at this price I don’t really have anything to complain with these lipsticks. I loved all the shades Elle18 came out with and I highly recommend these Color Pops Matte ones to anyone on a budget and looking for a nice variety of shades in their stash.


Cherry Wine


Deep Pink


Choco Bite

You can see Deep Pink on me here 🙂


  1. Affordable
  2. Pigmented
  3. Lasts long
  4. Does not dry out the lips
  5. Does not bleed
  6. Smells nice


  1. No ingredient list mentioned

My rating – 5/5

See you guys soon 🙂



6 comments on “Elle18 Color Pops Matte Review!

  1. Gorgeous lip swatches.. at this price these are absolute steal..

  2. Lovely swatches Harman. I got it in the shade Grape Riot and I’m loving it 🙂

  3. love the swatches ..I think i must have a look at the range..such pretty colors…and that too for 100

  4. These are really affordable lipstick and I have another variant of this one

  5. I have2 shades and loving them…loved the swatches,i want deep pink now but these went OOS so soon:)

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