Hey Guys
Today’s post is a little bit different than my usual ones. I’m sure you all must have heard about different types of cleanses that you can do to rid your body of any free radicals and toxins. We are living in a world where it has become quite hard to resist fast food and other such not so good substances. Cleanses are specific kind of diets aimed at making your body let go of anything bad that has accumulated over a while. I remember discovering the brand Raw Pressery’s cleanses a few months ago. Back then they were only in Mumbai and Delhi and I was kind of disappointed that I could not try it out. Recently I found out through Instagram that Raw Pressery are now available in Chandigarh as well. I was quite excited and almost placed an order when they were kind enough to send me their one day cleanse for trying out. If you want to know my experience with it, then read on 🙂
Price- 1500/- for a one day cleanse which consists of 6 juices
Availability – www.rawpressery.com
They have two different types of cleanses available- a one day and a three day one. Since I was only trying it out I went for the one day cleanse. The juice was delivered right on time. It was packaged nicely in a cute food bag that can totally be reused later on. The juices were nice and cool. I am honestly super impressed with their services.
Raw Pressery juices come with 6 different 410ml each Juice bottles each serving a different purpose and has to be taken at a specific time. The juices are cold pressed which means no air touches them during their making and they contain absolutely no preservatives or added sugar. Each juice bottle describes its contents on the outside. Let’s start off with each juice and how it went for me.
9:00AM – Trim
I started my day feeling all pumped up and excited for my cleanse. The first juice contained Kale, Spinach, Doodhi, Amla, Celery, Green Apple, Ginger and Lemon. The juice tasted every bit like its ingredients and had no artificial taste at all. I found the taste okay kind for my liking but managed to finish it very fast as I was quite hungry.
11:30AM – Love
This juice contained Pomegrante, Watermelon, Chia Seeds and Mint and was my favourite of the lot. I loved chewing the Chia seeds in between. Honestly by 10:45 I started feeling so hungry and counting minutes and seconds until 11:30. It took me a little bit longer drinking this juice. It did feel quite filling as well.
Around 12:30-1PM is when my stomach started feeling a bit weird. A bit later I realized that I actually had an upset tummy. I am one of those people who have a very very strong stomach and nothing upsets it very easily. This came as a big surprise to me but on researching I found out that this could actually be one of the side effects of doing a cleanse for some people. Apparently when your stomach gets a completely different diet than its used to, it can sometimes act weird.
2:00PM – Flush
And flush I did… multiple times :-P. This juice contains Apple, Beet, Carrot, Ginger and Lemon and its supposed to start getting rid of the toxins in your body. I liked the taste of this one as well. In between the juices I could not manage to drink much water which was a big fault of mine. After having the upset stomach, I started feeling a bit low on energy so I decided to pass some time sleeping.
4:30PM – Shield
This juice was my second favourite of the lot. It contains Tangerine, Carrot and Ginger and is supposed to increase your immunity. This juice tasted very nice and refreshing. I quite liked this one. Ginger made the taste a little bit bitter but it’s good for you so oh well!
7:00PM – Glow
The glow juice contained Cucumber, Coconut H2O, Pineapple, Lemon Grass, Aloe Vera and Lemon. I loved the ingredients in this one and it tasted very refreshing too. In my mind it gave me a nice glow since it has such good contents. I had a little bit of a hard time drinking this one because I was a little bit bored of drinking juices continually. I was also very hungry by 7 PM.
Well now comes the part where I gave in and cheated. By this time I was feeling very hungry and just felt like I could not drink anything else at all. Due to the upset stomach, my body also felt a bit tired. I just wanted to eat something solid so bad. I had one roti with cooked broccoli and bell pepper. I know, I know I was supposed to keep it raw but I was just so hungry. I did not drink the last juice as I did not want to over fill myself. I kind of regret it but it was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Next morning I woke up with nice glowing skin that I loved but I also had a horrible horrible headache. I don’t know if that happened because of the cleanse or because I cheated but it was really a bad headache. I almost never had headaches either.
Overall, I think Raw Pressery makes amazing and pure juice and I am very impressed with their quality but somehow my body was not a big fan of doing this cleanse. I am going to try it again in about 2 months. I will update this blogpost if I find it different that time. I think if you have done a lot of bad food eating in the last few weeks or months and want to cleanse your system then you should go for it. But it is also important to properly do your research before you try anything.
Big thanks to Raw Pressery for giving me the chance to trying it out.
Let me know if you guys have ever done a cleanse and how your experience with it was.
See you all soon 🙂
November 14, 2016 at 5:05 am
my stomach gets upset really quick..I kind of try not to chaange anything in the diet.. but i feel like going for this once a while… Thanks for sharing your experience harman 🙂
November 14, 2016 at 2:34 pm
Oh, I’m a bit confused if I should try it or not. Thanks for sharing your honest review 🙂
November 28, 2016 at 4:58 pm
I really wanna try this cleanse…in most cases stomach gets upset due to cleanse as all the waste trapped in intestine flushes out so do not worry about that…first body cleanses intrstine and then flushes out toxins from rest of the digestive tract…headache might be due to lack of water and food 🙂 you should drink more water as the body flushing out more than usual…loved the review and will keep your tips in mind 🙂