Hey Guys
Today I am writing about an online store from the UK that has a huge collection of Party wear, Bridal and Prom dresses. Its such a big bummer that we dont have Prom here in India. I would totally go all out with my outfit, hair and makeup. To some extent I feel like we dont have such a nice collection of Western Party wear clothes in India. When I was deciding what I would wear for my birthday I had such a hard time finding something that had a lot of glamour in it and wasnt too expensive either. I saw so many online stores from abroad but the shipping was too high, sometimes even more than the outfit itself. I recently saw many bloggers post about Promtimes and their lovely collection. I checked their website and found so much of the stuff at a very reasonable price including the wedding dresses.
Today I am sharing with you a few of their clothing items which are appropriate for Prom and Fancy parties and all are under 5000 INR. How cool is that. Just out of curiosity I checked how much the shipping prices to India were and they were around 20-30 pounds which I think is a good deal considering you will get a nice outfit for under 10000 INR. A lot of our Indian suits cost a lot more than that.
I remember when I was on vacation in Hong Kong, there was a wedding there and the bridesmaids had the perfect pink one shoulder dresses that my mom and I both loved. I looked a lot online for similar dresses but could not find any. I saw one that is a lot similar on this site. Check it out and a few of the other stunning pieces they have here 🙂