Hey girls
What’s up? It’s almost Friday finally. This post was meant to go up yesterday but I was feeling so unwell that it had to wait until today. I also managed to get another look done which is perfect for the holiday season. Posted a picture on my Instagram if you’re interested 🙂 As you must know already I am obsessed with Colourpop Cosmetics and all of the products they have. I have already reviewed two other Ultra Matte shades on the blog. The posts are here and here.
Price- $6
Availability – www.colourpop.com
You can buy it through an Instagram page I follow which is ‘lachicwick’.
Today I am showing you some pictures of another colour I love which is more of a Grey toned shade. I am sure you must have seen people rave about Lime Crime’s Cashmere all over the place. This is kind of on the same track. It’s definitely not a colour I can pull off without a nice liner underneath but I really love having a different selection of lipstick shades. Dark skinned beauties should go for Beeper as that is also a very nice pinkish grey colour.
I will not do a proper review on this one because my thoughts remain the same as they were for Bumble and Mars. The link to those blogposts is above if you want to see. For people with extremely dry skin these may not be very comfortable but it’s nothing a lip balm cannot fix. The pigmentation is a little bit sheer compared to Bumble and Mars but still it coats the lips very nicely.
Below is how it looks on me. Definitely a shade you need a nice liner and good eye makeup to pull off.
Let me know what you think 🙂
See ya soon!