Hey everyone,
How are you all doing? Finally after so many days I have
lots of free time to write for my blog. I had been so wrapped up in work and my
cousin’s wedding that my blog went too ignored. Anyhow I am going to write about
my second blush from Mac which is Peaches. I bought this blush a few months
back when I went crazy for the color Peach. I wanted everything peach from
blush to eye shadow to lipcolor. After reading lots of good reviews about this
blush I decided to give it a try. The SA tried Peaches and Melba on me. And I
don’t know if its because of how he applied the color or maybe the color of my
skin but melba looked as if someone had just slapped me. So I went for peaches
inspite of him convincing me that melba looked better. How I liked it, read on.
lots of free time to write for my blog. I had been so wrapped up in work and my
cousin’s wedding that my blog went too ignored. Anyhow I am going to write about
my second blush from Mac which is Peaches. I bought this blush a few months
back when I went crazy for the color Peach. I wanted everything peach from
blush to eye shadow to lipcolor. After reading lots of good reviews about this
blush I decided to give it a try. The SA tried Peaches and Melba on me. And I
don’t know if its because of how he applied the color or maybe the color of my
skin but melba looked as if someone had just slapped me. So I went for peaches
inspite of him convincing me that melba looked better. How I liked it, read on.
Price:- 1350/-
So I first read about this blush on Mehak’s blog which is
peachesandblush.com. Apparently she loved this color so much that she named her
blog after that. Now I had to check out this color. I read some more reviews
and finally thought of buying it. Whenever I go to a Mac store I have already
decided my mind about what I want to buy and then no matter how much someone
tries to persuade me, I only buy stuff that I want to buy. Perhaps that is the
reason I did not like Melba as much as I liked Peaches.
peachesandblush.com. Apparently she loved this color so much that she named her
blog after that. Now I had to check out this color. I read some more reviews
and finally thought of buying it. Whenever I go to a Mac store I have already
decided my mind about what I want to buy and then no matter how much someone
tries to persuade me, I only buy stuff that I want to buy. Perhaps that is the
reason I did not like Melba as much as I liked Peaches.
This is a sheertone blush which means you have to swipe a
lot for the blush to show up properly which is a good thing too since it looks
very natural and does not go over the top. It is a true peach blush and has no
pink of red under tones. This is as peach as you can go in blushes. On the skin
it looks very peachy and not that natural since, you don’t turn peach when you
blush but still it looks good. It looks the best paired with nude/peach lips
and nude eyes. It complements all the brown toned eye shadows very well.
Personally I wear this blush a lot to work.
lot for the blush to show up properly which is a good thing too since it looks
very natural and does not go over the top. It is a true peach blush and has no
pink of red under tones. This is as peach as you can go in blushes. On the skin
it looks very peachy and not that natural since, you don’t turn peach when you
blush but still it looks good. It looks the best paired with nude/peach lips
and nude eyes. It complements all the brown toned eye shadows very well.
Personally I wear this blush a lot to work.
The staying power is about 4 hours after which it is still
there but does not look as fresh. Personally none of my blushes last too long
on me since I tend to scratch my face many times in the day and hence disturb
my blush.
there but does not look as fresh. Personally none of my blushes last too long
on me since I tend to scratch my face many times in the day and hence disturb
my blush.
The quantity is very nice and it is very easy to blend. If you do not want to spend as much on this blush but still want a peach blush, I
would recommend you to try out Inglot freedom system blush in number 29. When I
saw it in the store, it looked so similar to this one.
would recommend you to try out Inglot freedom system blush in number 29. When I
saw it in the store, it looked so similar to this one.
I am not really sure if this blush would show up on dark
skintones very well because it is very light in colour. You should definitely
try it out in store before buying it.
skintones very well because it is very light in colour. You should definitely
try it out in store before buying it.
So for me this is a very nice blush, not a must have but
still something you should have just for the pure peach color and the easy
blending part.
still something you should have just for the pure peach color and the easy
blending part.
You can see me wearing this blush in this post here
1. True
peach color
peach color
2. Blends
3. Good
lasting power if you don’t touch your face
lasting power if you don’t touch your face
4. Complements
nude/peach makeup very well
nude/peach makeup very well
5. Good
1. Price
but then its Mac
but then its Mac
2. Does
not look as nice on dusky skintones
not look as nice on dusky skintones
My rating:- 4/5
Have a great day J
December 8, 2012 at 11:02 am
Hey Cool Review 🙂
after all, its MAC 😀
December 8, 2012 at 11:27 am
hahah thank you Apoorva! Yeah I know lol
December 9, 2012 at 4:58 am
Looks lovely..I should also try this one…Off it goes to my wishlist 🙂
December 9, 2012 at 5:24 am
Looks lovely on you Harman….I have not tried either but Melba is on wishlist….This looks great on you 🙂
December 9, 2012 at 8:09 am
i lov this Harman..it was first mac blush n i always treasure it..nice review
December 9, 2012 at 3:05 pm
@Sophia- Yes its very pretty. Do check it out 🙂
@Richa Saxena- Thank you 🙂 You should check out Melba too, it was very pretty
@Preetha- Thank you 🙂 It is my second mac blush 🙂
March 8, 2015 at 8:04 am
It is quite pricey but I like the staying power of this blush.
~Pauline @ Urban Decay Philippines